Nomads & Slow Travel

Working Offshore — Off Shore Clients — Banking — Taxation — Technology — Getting Paid

Wherever You Are in the World…

The notion of working remotely from another land or just a different county didn’t originate with Covid-19 but the pandemic did bring a focus on it. Since then, as many professionals began to work remotely out of necessity, it has become more and more popular. Many found they could live more affordably in another country while still providing an excellent level of service to their clients.

Settling and working in another country can bring some challenges regarding residency, taxation, and banking. This has led some to adopt “slow travelling”, spending weeks or months in one country and then moving to another for a few weeks. Again, it can be more affordable, rewarding, and less stressful than working in London or Chicago.

There are things to consider and we will explore our experiences as well as those of others. You may already be working exclusively from a remote location and wondering where to go next.

Join us as we post videos that might address the issues we all share as we work from around the world.

Coffee and Cream