The Dissident Psychologist

Forced to Comply — Regulatory Overreach — Suppression of Speech — Regulation of Therapeutic Approach — HCPC Regulating Speech & Method — Politization of Profession

Over the past decades psychologists have come under increasing pressure to comply with norms from a number of directions including social, media, government, medical, and even fellow professionals. We are concerned that this is not healthy for the psychologist practicing as a scientist or for the client.

The Case of the Dissenting Psychologist launched our reflection on the increasing demands on psychologists to say the right things, refrain from the wrong things, and think the right things. Increasingly regulations are focussing well beyond the welfare of the client and upon the proper practice of therapy, behaviour on social media or in public, and even commercial transactions.

Our video, the Case of the Dissenting Psychologist, is available on our Thinkific platform. It is free to watch and upon completion will provide you with a CPD certificate. Click on the link to view the course.

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